Sin City Angel

Sin City Angel

VEIN: A rock band surviving in a world changing so fast that rock music went from mainstream to underground before there very eyes.
"NO FUTURE" expressed perfectly by Johnny Rotten & the Sex Pistols decades preceding reigns true for most rock groups today. Emotion, life, death!
Right vs Wrong, Good vs Evil, Love vs Hate, Real or Fake, Success or Failure, Accepted or Rejected by the world. All issues expressed by 13 song compilation SIN CITY ANGEL.
From balled " Over the Blue Sky's " expression of Hope, Faith, Love and belief in a Dream, Better Day, Time, Life and Sacrifice to the hard rock " Hell I Am " acknowledgement of Evil, Sin, Redemption and Forgiveness, If you like rock. If you experience a daily struggle for acceptance. If you walk the line. You will relate to SIN CITY ANGEL.
