The Voice-2013 May 28:Live Rounds-Top 8
Tonight on The Voice 2013 the Top 8 finalists are performing live on Memorial Day in the hopes that you’re watching and voting to keep them in the competition. Get ready to watch the Top 8 all perform live tonight on The Voice!
Only eight acts remain after last week’s double elimination. Team Usher and Team Shakira both only have one singer left in the race while Team Adam and Team Blake remain fully intact.
The live blog recap will be right here on this post with updates through the night for each of the artists and the coaches’ reaction. Share your thoughts below in the comments as we discover who will be your favorite tonight.
The Voice 2013 Top 8 performance list:
Team Adam – Judith Hill – “#thatPower”
Blake thought Judith Hill’s performance was “spot on” but he really loved her hair style and calls it “rockstar.” He’s glad to see more personality in her recent performances. Usher says it was an incredible way for her to open the show. He thinks she did an incredible job by giving the song a “new face.” Shakira think it’s obvious that Judith is a great vocalist and enjoyed how she flipped the song to be her own and calls the song an “audacious” choice and it worked out.
Coach Adam says he was at first confused by her choice, but hearing her song he knows she is a real artist performing a song like all the coaches would do. He is so proud of her.
Team Blake – Holly Tucker – “Done”
Usher says “incredible job!” He says she’s an incredible talent. Shakira wants a pair of cowboy boots just like those. She loved her performance and the attitude she brought to the stage. Adam says Holly impresses them every week and she can truly sing everything. He’s glad to have seen more of her range tonight.
Coach Blake says he loves Holly for that performance. He says she is figuring out how to connect with the song and show who they are. He thinks this was the first time he really saw her own that song from start to finish. “Meet Holly Tucker,” says Blake Shelton.
Team Blake – The Swon Brothers – “Seven Bridges Road”
Usher thinks it was an “incredible song and an incredible time.” He says the Eagles would be happy with their performance and “hats off” to them. Shakira thinks it was “cool” and classic Eagles. She enjoyed the combo of Country and Rock ‘n Roll. Adam says he has turned in to huge fans of them as artists. He thinks the song and performance was amazing. Adam does note there were a few moments that he was scared of, but they were minor and he loved it.
Coach Blake says they continue to grow on the show and people are really getting in to them. He is impressed by their range and that it shows how real they are. Blake thought it was “complicated in a good way.”
Team Shakira – Sasha Allen – “Without You”
Adam says it’s bittersweet because he enjoys her but is sad she’s not on his team anymore. “Great job” he tells her. Blake says “that was so much fun.” He thinks about how she compares to him as a singer and he’s overwhelmed by her talent. Blake thinks Sasha will be around next around. Usher says “great song” and thinks it conjured “incredible emotions” and knows all those who helped create the song are impressed.
Coach Shakira says Sasha is the “whole package.” She knows it’s hard to take such a specific song and make it her own, but she did just that. Shakira thinks Sasha “can do it all.”
Team Adam – Sarah Simmons – “Somebody That I Used To Know”
Blake says he was reminded of the range of her voices with soft, to raspy, and back. Usher says this was another great performance and he was pleased with her powerful voice and unique sound. Shakira thinks that even though the song has been performed a lot it was still good to hear her take on it.
Coach Adam says Sarah can really do anything she wants and kicked everyone’s butts (he says “ass” and then wonders if he’s allowed to do that.) He thanks her for the performance.
Team Usher – Michelle Chamuel – “Grenade”
Shakira says it was “spectacular.” She loved her stage presence in tonight’s performance and it makes her a huge fan. Adam says that was “so awesome” and he’s a huge fan of hers. He thought the performance was “so dynamic” and found it all “exciting.” Adam calls it one of the best of the night. Blake can’t believe “such a big voice comes out of such a little human being.” He thinks this was her best performance so far.
Coach Usher says she puts in the work and represents so much. He likes how she can love herself and represent “true inner beauty.” Usher says this is in the viewer’s hands, but he’s so glad she had that performance tonight.
Team Blake – Danielle Bradbery – “Grandpa”
Usher says Danielle is a prodigy because of her effortless, incredible performances. Shakira thinks she does so well because she’s so believable and has real star quality. It can’t be faked and Danielle has it for real. Adam says she is so important because she’s a Country artist just waiting to be born and thinks it’s incredible how talented she is so young.
Coach Blake says the reality of this is that she’s “amazing, amazing.” He thinks she did beyond justice with this song. “Great job, every time,” he tells Danielle.
Team Adam – Amber Carrington – “Skyfall”
Blake says she just “took the diva powerhouse title of the night.” He says her Country roots still shine through. Usher says she was “incredible” and it was the performance she wanted. Shakira thinks it was a perplexing choice but it worked.
Coach Adam says Amber could be popular in every country in the world. He thinks she was the first to do justice to an Adele song and proves to him that she can do “anything, anything.”
Which performance tonight on The Voice Season 4 has been your favorite from the Top 8? Once the show is over you can start your voting through tomorrow morning at 10AM. Be sure to download your favorites on iTunes to support him or her reaching the next level and earn 10x the votes as a bonus. Only Danielle Bradbery reached that target last week so let’s see who can do it this time.