原神-佚落迁忘之岛 Islands of the Lost and Forgotten

原神-佚落迁忘之岛 Islands of the Lost and Forgotten

《原神》第二张稻妻篇OST《佚落迁忘之岛 Islands of the Lost and Forgotten》正式上线,专辑分为《遗忘与冥思的岛屿 Isles of Serenity and Amnesia》、《海渊之下 Beneath the Abyssal Depth》与《稻妻征战记2 Battles of Inazuma 2》3张分碟,共收录60首由HOYO-MiX音乐团队为《原神》稻妻地区创作的原声音乐,部分音乐与Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.联合制作。

Assistant Producer:Tomonori Hirata(Sony Music Publishing(Japan)Inc.) 平田 有了
Musician Contractor: Tsutomu Satomi (SHANGRI-LA Inc.) 里見 勉、Aki Haruyama (SHANGRI-LA Inc.) 春山 あき
Coordinator: Ma Xuetong (Sony Group Corporation) 馬 雪潼、Tomoki Murata (Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.) 村田 知樹、Ryu Haku (Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.) 劉 博
Music Business Affairs: Kana Tsuji (Sony Music Publishing (Japan) Inc.) 辻 佳奈、Ichiro Murakami (Sony Music Publishing (Japan) Inc.) 村上 伊知郎
Recording Assistants: Ryuho Ichikawa (Joint1) 市川 竜帆、Ayumu Musha (Joint1) 武舎 歩、Kenta Murakami (Onkio Haus) 村上 健太
Special Thanks 鸣谢: Yi Fengyu 伊豊宇、Sumiyo Takahashi (Joint1) 髙橋 純、Yohei Horiuchi (Joint1) 堀内 陽平


