Heavy Glow
Heavy Glow 是一张关于自我身份认知的作品,关于相对于他人眼中的你或他们期待你成为的人,还是选择接受真实的自己。在疫情期间,我挣扎过,并且经历了许多个人意义上的动荡起伏 - 我是一个音乐人,一个曾经对做音乐毫无灵感的音乐人。我试图接受妥协同时身为亚洲人和美国人的含义。我是个DJ,却也想要唱歌,在现场弹奏乐器。我感觉自己就像一个行走的矛盾体,一个双面骗子。“Heavy Glow”成为了一个隐喻,代表着你在深夜闪耀的那部分,却难以被他人真正看到。它感觉像是你肩上的一个重负,但最终定义了你究竟是谁。
这张作品听起来融合了我的过去和现在。它悄悄带我回到我作为一个歌手,创作人,和吉他手的初心,并将此镌刻进从那时起我就开始开发创作的闪着光的电子音乐。从歌词层面上,这也是我创作过的最为真诚和原始的音乐 - 我不再写那些别人想要听到的东西,而是去深入探索挖掘我真正经历过的那些所有好的,坏的,甚至丑陋面。
Heavy Glow is about identity. It’s about coming to terms with who you are compared to who everyone else sees you as or expects you to be. I struggled through the pandemic and went through a lot of personal upheaval - I was a musician who was uninspired to make music. I was trying to come to terms with what it meant to be both Asian and American. I was a DJ who wanted to sing and play instruments live. I felt like a walking contradiction, and an impostor to both sides. “Heavy Glow” became a metaphor for the part of you that shines through in the night time, and can be hard for other people to really see. It can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders, but ultimately defines who you are.
The sound of it was the merging of my past and my present. Tapping back into my roots as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and carving it into the shiny electronic production I had developed since. And lyrically it’s the most honest, raw music I’ve ever made - I stopped writing what I thought people wanted to hear, and dug into all the good, bad, and ugly that I was really going through.