Ten Thousand Fists
被Ozzy Osbourne讚誉为『金属乐的未来』的芝加哥乐团继冠军专辑「Believe」后再度空降Billboard专辑榜第一名大碟
收录Billboard主流摇滚榜No. 5单曲"Stricken"与No. 7单曲"Guarded"及翻唱英国经典团Genesis 86年畅销作"Land Of Confusion"
专辑封面及内页插画由【Spawn(闪灵悍将)】漫画创作者Todd McFarlanex操刀
开创新世代金属/摇滚新风貌的芝加哥四人团体Disturbed,在传统金属光芒逐渐黯澹之时,仍坚持着重金属乐精髓,一再突破成为重要指标性乐团,被摇滚大魔头Ozzy Osbourn视为「金属乐的未来」,除了音乐够勐够呛,直接了当撞击每位摇滚客身上鼓动不安的细胞,然而性格光头大汉David Draiman独特咆啸怒吼式的犀利嗓音,则被形容为易于造成脑部瘀青和撞伤的致命男主唱,更在此暴戾之音发挥淋漓尽致中佔有极重要角色。
虽然被归类于Nu-Metal乐派,却少了嘻哈/饶舌调调,多了份属于金属硬帮霸气,并急起直追此一区块的Korn、Limp Bizkit、System Of A Down等前辈。三位醉心于摇滚乐的好友Dan Donegan(吉他手),Mike Wengren(鼓手)及Fuzz(贝斯手),直到看上David Draiman为适合的主唱人选后,Disturbed在2000年发行英国权威摇滚杂志Kerrang!五星满分评价之首张大作「The Sickness」,不仅狂销三百馀万张,就连全美地下新生代摇滚群星,都联手发行致敬翻唱特辑,可以窥见Disturbed的高度影响力,两年后推出的「Believe」,发行首週立即空降全美专辑榜冠军,轻鬆获得白金销售佳绩。势力范围日趋庞大的Disturbed,提携后进的发起名为「Music As A Weapon」摇滚巡迴演唱会,发酵出更强而有力的组组优异新贵,扩散于摇滚范畴中的强大士气!
就在所有团员偕同製作老搭档Johnny K,回到录音室准备新专辑的筹画之时,一身金属造型的贝斯手Fuzz突传离团憾事,换上曾任Nu-Metal界新生代乐团Union Underground的John Moyer,合力谱出全新大碟「Ten Thousand Fists」。入选热门足球电玩Madden 2006的开场同名主题曲"Ten Thousand Fists",在隆隆四起的吉他音牆堆叠金属强化音频,回归早期火力全开的怒式唱腔,绝不令殷盼多时的乐迷失望;若还嫌气味不够咸湿,试试接连冲入全美摇滚榜Top10的"Guarded"及再现"Stupify"重力加速度之快感的"Stricken",更能听到Dan精湛飙速的吉他Solo;取样布希在911事件发表之演讲词的"Deify"与爆发力十足的"I’m Alive",虽饱满循环着厚重金属声线,交流出更为顺畅的旋律,加深曲子的耐听度;带着刚出道时所呈现的重型摇滚佳曲"Sons Of Plunder",绝对有攻入摇滚榜之实力;继翻唱Tears For Fears的"Shout"之后,此辑再次翻玩英国经典乐团Genesis 1986年的畅销作"Land Of Confusion"。另外值得一提的是,专辑所有插画全出自Spawn(闪灵悍将)的漫画家Todd McFarlane操刀。
by Johnny Loftus
It started in 2000 with "Down with the Sickness." Disturbed's thick, rhythmic take on alt-metal was perfect music for stalking bloody zombies, and vocalist David Draiman's jaw-snapping Pavlovian grunts made the trigger fingers of first-person shooters itch. There were threads of other groups in the sound -- Pantera's wrenching power, Slipknot, the ill-lighted parlor games of Tool -- but Disturbed held their own from the start. If 2002's Believe downplayed Draiman's guttural responses a little, that tact's long gone for 2005's Ten Thousand Fists. From Todd McFarlane's evocative wronged misfits artwork -- Suicide Girls stand fists upraised next to ghoulish fiends and disenfranchised truckers -- to the rousing staccato of the title track and the "Sickness" rewrite "Stricken," Disturbed solidify their stance as the black knights of gaming-console rock. Creepy electronics slither behind Dan Donegan's guitar, and he mostly forsakes soloing to concentrate on the visceral groove. When he's not hacking like a chained-up pit bull, Draiman emotes from the valley of reverb (that's next to the valley of death), and his moments of epic roar make the songs' choppier parts more effective. Now, "Overburdened" takes the epic stuff a little too far. Draiman starts off the song in narration, muttering "Fate is so unkind" like a monster who's been given the power to feel. But even in its swirling pretentiousness, you can't deny his intensity. Luckily the majority of Fists sticks to mid-tempo punishers that pound back anger-gritted teeth and no anesthesia. (Remember, Disturbed's tours are underwritten by Jägermeister, the black licorice firewater that punches Saturday night in the face.) "Deify" rails against blind devotion to political leaders and "Sons of Plunder" stalks at a faster, more aggressive faster heart rate, while "Decadence" and "Sacred Lie" drop into the rhythmic grip that by mid- to late album is almost comfortable in its gloomy thump. (Disturbed's ill-advised cover of Genesis' "Land of Confusion"? No comment.) Ten Thousand Fists does start to sound the same after a while. But those bloody zombies aren't going to stop pouring though the doorway, so it's a good thing it has at least 12 burly alt-metal rockers. Fire!