Let's shut up & dance (Dedicated to Michael Jackson)

Let's shut up & dance (Dedicated to Michael Jackson)

The all-time best project that anyone who love Michael Jackson will be thrilled has begun. is the first single of four special albums that are released to remember the 10th year of Michael Jackson’s passing, composed and written by singer songwriter Jason Derulo and featured by Exo LAY and NCT 127. With the world cheering , feel the return of Pop.

所有热爱迈克尔·杰克逊的人都会为之激动的有史以来最好的专辑即将推出。《Let’s SHUT UP DANCE》是为纪念迈克尔·杰克逊逝世10周年而发行的第四张专辑中的第一首单曲,由创作型歌手杰森·德鲁洛作曲,Exo LAY和NCT 127参与创作。《Let’s SHUT UP DANCE》让世界一起世欢呼庆祝,感受流行音乐的回归。
