The Highland Way

The Highland Way

Forming an idea that was coming since a few years before, Skiltron was born in 2004, with just two members at that time: Emilio Souto and Matías Pena.

The starting point of the band was the recording of a demo called "Gathering the Clans". Javier Yuchechen, Selidor's vocalist was summoned together with some others musicians of the local Celtic scene for this recording.

Between end of august and beginning of september, the demo was recorded at La Nave de Oseberg studios, which was known to have received artists such as Tarja Turunen, Fabio Lione and Rata Blanca, among others. Once the recording was finished, the distribution and promotion of the demo started. The official website was launched in October.

Various radios, webzines, and different publications showed great interest.
In December of that same year, Fernando Marty enters the band as bass player.

The radio show "Tiempos Violentos" broadcasted by Rock and Pop, the most listened F.M. of the country, proclaimed "Gathering the clans" as the best demo of the year.

Entering into the year 2005 the band were ready to record their first album ''The Clans have United''.
The album was recorded between April and October 2005, again in "La Nave de Osberbg" studios, and released in march 2006. Javier Yuchechen was again the sessionist vocalist, and some well known musicians from the local Celtic scene also gave their participation.

At the beginning of the year 2006 finally the line-up was completed by the adding of Diego Valdez (ex-Azeroth) on vocals, Diego Spinelli on Tin Whistle, Esteban D..antona on Viola, Juan José Fornés (ex-Sélidor) on guitar and Pablo Allen on Bagpipes.

In the first semester of this year, the rehearsals for the official presentation of ''The Clans have United'' began, and the local and international promotion of the album continued as well. On august 12nd Skiltron made his offical live debut.

At the end of 2006, "The Clans have United" was named as best album of the year, again by The radio show "Tiempos Violentos".

In february 2007 Skiltron was the openning act for In Extremo in their first South American tour. Emilio joined the band to play the song "Vollmond". This was the first time that In Extremo had a guest in all their live history.

A new demo was recorded in march 2007 to spread some new songs and line-up of the band. It was called ''Blind Harry''. After this recording Esteban D..antona leaves the band.
The rest of the year the band were focused in the songwriting of the new album, and also given some shows more.

In January 2008 the new album ''Beheading the Liars'' was recorded at La Nave de Oseberg studios (as usual). The album featuring very special guests: Steve Ramsey, Kevin Ridley and Georgina Biddle from Skyclad, Jonne Jrvel from Korpiklaani, and Patrick Lafforegue and Patrcie Roques from Stille Volk, plus the collaboration of Seoras Wallace, from Clan Wallace.

And the story goes on…

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