Today's Blues

Today's Blues

by Steve LoewyPoor Arthur Blythe's recording history has been analyzed ad nauseum. From great black hope to commercial fizzle, Blythe's early promise has not always been fulfilled, even though he has produced some outstanding albums. This scintillating set of fifteen original duets (with a solo piece thrown in) with cellist David Eyges should help restore the saxophonist's somewhat tarnished reputation. Totally exposed in this format, with plenty of time to stretch, Blythe proves himself a formidable pro, with an acerbic, blues-drenched tone that purrs, caresses, and slices across genres. The underrated Eyges is a stunning stylist, and one of the few masters of the electrified cello. Whether as a soloist or in tandem, Eyges brings an exciting and original vision. With a varied mix, and short tracks (nothing more than five minutes), Blythe and Eyges have scored an attractive collection.
