Loving Me

Loving Me

The number 19 has always been a special number for us as label owners.
A number that always seems to pop up wherever we go, symbolic in its ability to bring monumental things our way. How fitting it is to have the legendary Rick Wade feature for the labels 19th Release.

Loving Me features vocals by Clizia Lee aka Hailey Sphynx with remixes by Terrence Pearce, Alavro Hylander, Nuno Estevez and Les Afrique.

As we walk down this exciting path, lead by passion and truth. We find ourselves meeting more and more people with similar beliefs and a tangible love for underground electronic music, it is these connections that give inspiration to new projects, sounds and concepts within our imprint. As we celebrate our third year, as an imprint we has must thank all artists and creatives we have worked with along the way. All adding their little piece to our beautiful, ever expanding puzzle.
