Boys中文版 (feat. Jeanie) [Howie Lee Remix]

Boys中文版 (feat. Jeanie) [Howie Lee Remix]

亲临中国数次,沉浸于这里异彩纷呈的流行与地下音乐世界之后,Charli XCX 将在这个12月与她最为欣赏的中国音乐人一起,给我们来点特别的:大热全球的“Boys”推出官方中国版 remix!国内电子乐先锋人物 Howie Lee 担纲制作,而身兼歌手、制作人、乐器多面手的全能美少女 Jeanie,也将在其中献声。

这就是全部吗?错!Charli 对中国粉丝与中国文化的爱远远不止如此,勤勉如她苦练汉语,特意为这版 remix 录制了让我们听来分外亲切的人声部分!

随着 Howie Lee 的超现代节拍与 Jeanie 的惊艳歌声起舞,Charli 无比期待着她的中国天使们,能早日听到这首歌曲。

Having spent several recent trips to China exploring the country’s fantastically diverse pop and underground music scenes, this December Charli XCX teams up with a couple of her favourite Chinese musicians for something a bit special indeed: an official China remix of the global smash “Boys”, produced by the torchbearer of Chinese electronic music Howie Lee and featuring a verse from up-and-coming Chinese teenage singer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Jeanie.

But that’s not all! Charli has loads of love for her Chinese fans and for Chinese culture…and after brushing up on her Mandarin, she’s recorded new vocals for the remix, in Chinese!

Dancing along with Howie Lee’s hypermodern Chinese beats and Jeanie’s fierce vocals, Charli can’t wait for her Chinese angels to hear the track.


