Running Man / Sojourner

Running Man / Sojourner

Third Son arrives at the gates of Tulipa with a glowing techno masterpiece in one hand and a shimmering bag of gems in the other. He throws the stones against the ground and all of the hillside animals become hypnotized. Seeing this, Third Son launches Running Man / Sojourner into the dark sky and it explodes as a powerful flash of colorful sparks. Flaming dust rains down on the hills and the animals start to move effortlessly to the music. The mesmerizing electronic beats continue to pulse throughout the night and into the next day.

Hasty obituary. A mason accomplished. Forgetful heathen slammed against his back like a fresh pinata. Small teeth, large status. Spherical appropriation of rainy day slang. A delightful protrusion. Satellite getaway. My ode to splitting. Blueish comedy. Legendary for being on time. An olfactory stampede. Fussy sharpshooter says goodbye. Doll fell flat and fast. The educated silence. Beached on top of the gravy train. Turning the crank five thousand degrees. She equipped herself
