The Gallery - Social Deconstruction

The Gallery - Social Deconstruction

The Gallery is world renowned, having provided 'excellence in the art of sound' to crazy clubbers for over seventeen poignant years.

Every Friday at London's iconic Ministry Of Sound, those revolutionary laser tinged sessions have entrenched The Gallery into a life ritual. Showcasing sacred headline acts alongside cutting edge talent, The Gallery is forever amassing a loyal fan base. 'Social Deconstruction' reflects why.

With conventional compilations churning out seemingly the same material, Social Deconstruction features The Gallery's current legends and future heroes. Each with an exclusive track built explicitly from scratch, their Gallery experience has been broken down, analysed and re-constructed in musical form. Riffs, synths and loops lovingly assembled, to represent each artist's most cherished Gallery memory. From Ministry's main room debauchery, through to next door's hectic 103 melange, Social Deconstruction dismantles The Gallery magic into an elec
