Leavin' Tennessee
A Butch Baldassari does not come along every day. Having achieved
conversational level with his instrument, able to express himself
extemporaneously in any context, Butch thus got beyond playing the
mandolin to playing the music. He was also the kind of true master
of his realm, in that he was able to step away from the light and
provide a strong and supportive backing to other virtuosos, allowing
them to shine in turn. This collection of tunes, mostly by Van
Manakas, wide and deep as it is, presents an appropriate overview-
though welcome as it is, it doesn’t cover or heal the breach that was
left when we lost Butch so soon, so unfairly. Yet as it provides so
many moments of his musical gifts, it helps. ~Pat Flynn
If Van Manakas isn’t well known among bluegrass fans, that’s a
problem for which Leavin’ Tennessee is part of the solution—and it’s
likely that this was one of the goals Butch had in mind when he and
Van set about making the album. Bluegrassers can, alas, be a