CareCompilations Kick It Vol. 2

CareCompilations Kick It Vol. 2

The Charity Project:

Sportsmanship against HIV/AIDS and teenage crime

Despite the ongoing economic growth, more than half of the South African population is living below the poverty level. The unemployment rate is at 24%.

Due to the difficult job market situation, many parents have to take on work far away from their home towns. Thus, less than half of all children are raised by both parents. Moreover, the HIV/AIDS numbers in South Africa are the highest worldwide: 13% of South African children between the ages of 2 and 14 have lost at least one parent due to the immunodeficiency disease.

Many children are left to take care of themselves. Being on their own, they find themselves facing problems that are the order of the day in South African townships: a fast growing crime rate, a high drug and alcohol abuse rate and the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS. The lack of support and recreational offers leads to life in the street where the children get sucked into a whirl of crime and drug abuse.

