Jungle Cakes, Vol. 27

Jungle Cakes, Vol. 27

Why, we're sure there's absolutely no need to introduce Deekline and Ed Solo to you rowdy lot, so we'll save ourselves and you the bother... Oh except to let you in on a few little secrets about their personal lives....... A Side: 'Hot This Year' Is the first track in this nostalgic and retrospective release. It harks back to the sunny yesteryear of summer 2013, where the rain clouds had parted ways, and the sun shone for week upon glorious week throughout the whole of Europe. Shawty's were out in their masses, and those ragga jungle MC's were bibbydibbying about London, bringing the good vibes to all that could hear. Deekline and Ed Solo could also be found, oiling themselves up and blinding people with their studio tans, whilst out recording these ragga jungle 'O Lord a mercying MC's - and this track is quite the perfect result. The B Side 'Remember' was inspired not only by the lovely sampled vocals here, but also because Deekline really wanted to
