

Curanderos are traditional healers or shamans and often use special medicine songs in their ceremonial work with the afflicted. As stated above this CD, “Curanderos” is a selection of pieces that have previously appeared on some of my other CDs, with the addition of one new piece “Shaman”. I chose to republish these recordings as a collection that I felt expressed this idea is sound.

I am a guitarist, composer and songwriter, and have played and studied the guitar for most of my entire life. Formally, for the first fifteen years or so I used a pick, having almost no awareness of anyone playing any other way. Then one day, a couple of years after my family moved to a large metropolitan area, I discovered the “Classic or Finger Style” of playing. By this time I was already established as a fairly employable guitarist, playing with various groups, doing solo performances, working in recording sessions with mainstream artist and signed with a major management agency... and in essence, being exclusively
