Harmony in Ruins

Harmony in Ruins

XNilo Records is proud to present the highly anticipated release, Promise Land: 'Harmony In Ruins'!
Promise Land is a Christian Symphonic Metal band based out of Pittsburgh, PA.

-High Quality, Professional, and Spiritually Thought-Provoking is the journey a listener will experience from Harmony In Ruins.
-Promise Land: Harmony In Ruins is it's own breed of Christian Symphonic Metal. A mix of cinematic-orchestral melodies multi-layered in with heavy guitar grooves with both melodic and edgy vocals that immediately captures the listener's attention.
-This album has been 3 years in the making and it has not failed to live-up to it's expectation.
-This album has been stated to be an album of Singles; with every full song standing on it's own.

-If you want an album that shake your ear drums, make you think and get your energy up, then you'll want this album!

David Michael: Founder, Composer, 2nd Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Keyboards
Rod Kozikowski: 1st Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
Eric Bowser: Drums
