Mangoes, Musical Shorts, Vol. 1

Mangoes, Musical Shorts, Vol. 1

‘MANGOES, Musical Shorts Volume 1’ is an eclectic collection of short, original, acoustic instrumental pieces showcasing Jeremy Moyer’s aptitude and spirit as a composer and performer in a wide range of folk-based and contemporary styles ranging from meditative gong music and erhu smooth jazz to groovy hand drumming and raw folk fiddling. The album was recorded in Moyer’s attic studio in a 100-year-old courtyard house in the village of Zhujiajiao, near Shanghai and it was mixed and mastered in Canada by J. Richard Hutt.

With a few exceptions, Moyer plays all the instruments on this recording. He uses 2 varieties of ‘huqin’ - the Chinese two-stringed fiddle – the erhu and the yehu. He also plays acoustic guitar, bass and a variety of Chinese and western percussion instruments.

To contact Jeremy Moyer, please email:
