Food for Your Soul

Food for Your Soul

Definition of ‘Food for Your Soul’ album
‘Food for Your Soul’ album is music that feeds your soul with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It has different emotions and has allowed me to reminisce on different memories of love, pain and passion. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones [Proverbs 16:24 (NLT)].

BigThinker [BigT]

Album Review:


Big-T has a strong ability to create melodies which transmits into his choruses. He's not the most lyrical but his simple lyrical style adds to the easy listening music that is his signature. As an 'educator', he has a lot to say. However, he sometimes say too much and end up jamming too many words (or even too few) in a line that interrupts his sometimes seemingly seamless flow - that is quite a contradiction to this melodic phenom who is able to pen musical melodies with barely any effort. This ability is showcased really well in tracks 4 and 6. In order to help his presence. Big-T's style requires some character - perhaps like 'Afroman' (but not so much) and the conviction of a 'Nas' or 'Talib Kweli'.

In addition, album seems to be lacking a 'mastering sheen' that would bring out the different energies and emotions that is strewn through out the album. Big-T's clarity should be better with better mastery of his style and flow - along with more stringent recording directions in the studio. It doesn't help that it is also difficult to localise his accent.

All that said, I belive this is a solid debut from Big-T and his skills and abilities (esp. his rapping) will only improve as he moves onwards.

Courtney Riley
