The Magic Carpet - EP

The Magic Carpet - EP

The Magi Carpet E.P. is a twenty-minute journey through the musical imagination of Chris Ward and his friends. beginning and ending with two saxophone-driven tracks, this short but consice suite of songs deals with happiness, sadness, hope, despair, anger, compassion.......and fun!
Chris Ward is based in County Donegal, Ireland. He plays a range of instruments, is a writer and lyricist, as well as occasional performer. Alongside his own talents (voice, guitar, saxophone, percussion, penny whistle) he has brought in musical friends to add cello, congas and bongoes.
The EP includes two co-written songs. Over the past couple of years, Chris has met and worked with a number of talented writers in Ireland. The results of these can be heard here too, in the songs Sandhouse (with Kim Sonders) and The Last Time (with Carolyn Webb).
The music is, as ever, genre-defying. But there are strong elements of 60's pop, and irish folk/rock at well as some of Chris' long-standing love of African and World rhythms.
