BACH: Complete Music for Solo Violin (2-CD set)

BACH: Complete Music for Solo Violin (2-CD set)

Recorded in August 2002, this spectacular 2-CD set is a celebration of Joseph Silverstein's 70th birthday.  Over the course of a distinguished career spanning half a century, he has been hailed by colleagues, critics and audiences alike as a "complete musician," with an uncommon breadth of artistic experience and selfless dedication to his art.

Bach's monumental and spiritually uplifting Sonatas and Partitas are unarguably a catalogue of violin technique, at some point testing every aspect of a violinist's playing.  Joseph Silverstein brings a uniquely brilliant yet mature vision to these timeless masterworks!


"Silverstein's intimate playing...serves as a gateway into a Bachian world that exists, as it should, beyond temporal form and style.  It is what musicians dream of: playing that identifies with the music so that listeners don't say, 'that's Silverstein', but instead, 'that's Bach'.  The effect is cumulative, too, so that the music sounds like one large work rather than si


