Put It Out There - single

Put It Out There - single

Itopia is a rotating group of 12 eclectic musicians.
Itopia was born out of the necessity to continue the process of using music as a healing medium to bring things together so the light of love can shine upon all things in the state of perfection and oneness.

Michael Paul, Singer, Songwriter, Producer and Keyboard player. A serious artist operating at a high energy level, Michael Paul is a well-seasoned artist and International performer. As a songwriter he is among the greats supplying songs for Whitney Houston and William DeVaughn to name a few. As a performer and artist he has a rich arsenal of musical influences ranging from Sam Cooke to Stevie Wonder. With the use of American and European pop sounds against a backdrop of Caribbean tinged music, Michael Paul flavors his unique musical stew with African and Brazilian rhythms. His performance always leaves audiences hungry for more. Mr. Paul's last original chart buster, which was written and performed by Michael Paul was titled "Reggae Music


