Polkas And Waltzes

Polkas And Waltzes

The song “Uncle Sam’s World” kicks off this new CD featuring polkas
and waltzes that Denny Lee has written. In a humorous but truthful look at
Government, Law Enforcement and Politicians, Denny’s feelings about what he
calls the big three are NOT very sympathetic. He believes that the world should
be more aware of the corruptness found in the Government, Politicians and Law
Enforcement. That’s why he wrote “Uncle Sam’s World.” Denny is saying the
only way he knows how, in his music, people wake up before it’s too late if it
isn’t already too late.
Asked what he loves most, he answered: “God, my wife, my son and my
music. Denny may have been raised on Hank Williams and Jimmie Rogers, but he
also shows that he was no stranger to Frankie Yankovic, Don Peachy, Cousin
Fuzzy, Wayne King and Guy Lombardo.
Writing humorous songs is well documented in “Red Hair and Blue
Eyes”, “I Ain’t Got Nothing To Wear”, “Two Drinks and A Polka”, and
“Different Colored Shoes”.
