The Truth

The Truth

the whole truth and nothing but the truth has very little meaning in today’s world. It is completely ignored by our government, our politicians and especially, our law enforcement. As I put it so gently in one verse of my song taken from “Uncle Sam’s World” “they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the a**.”
What this CD represents is an honest look at our world as it is today. One out of every hundred people in our United States of America is a convicted felon. We have become the laughing stock of the world.
This CD wasn’t meant to be pretty, it was meant to be nasty. It was meant to be listened too and it was meant to tell people the truth. Those of you on probation are feeling “Johnny Law” and you’ll know what I’m referring to in these songs.
I cover a lot of territory in these songs but I also speak the truth. This CD will be bought by those that believe our country is going to hell in a hand-basket in a hurry. This CD will be bought by people that are rebels against wh
