The Key of V

The Key of V

In 2001, "V." and her guitar left Philadelphia, where she had been told that 'girls don't play rock and roll', to come to Los Angeles where they most certianly did and do. Despite the previous generalization, her 3-song demo had received this critique in an East Coast publication:

"This is straight up chick rock, yet her powerful vocals and strong choruses give off enough virility to please those on both sides of the gender fence, with Melissa Etheridge attitude and Sheryl Crow sing-a-long-ability, this lady has a penchant for memorable choruses and strong melody lines...a breath of fresh air against [Philly's] stagnant local rock scene..." .
-Promethean Crusade Magazine

So, armed with those words and a new, 10 song CD, she became lead singer for a local LA band within weeks of her arrival. Music Connection declared:

"Following V.'s lead, Monogroove (former band) comes out of the gates running and rarely lets up...this five piece blurs the lines between
