Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell

What has inspired these guys to live a life of rock and roll? What has caused them to leave their small coastal homes in New England to roam dusty streets in grimy jeans and tattered worn shoes? The legend of Rock N Roll has called them. This is not the story of a band fabricated by stuffy men in suits. No, this is a Rock N, Roll story about some guys from small towns pounding out their own brand of energetic, gritty Rock N Roll. They step on the stage with a swagger and a proud defiance of every one and any thing that has ever tried to silence them. With their guitars roaring like a Harley they will sing of their love and beliefs. Their guitars push, pull, snarl and wail with desperate abandon. Distortion pedals buzz with washes of reverb; drums pound with tribal intensity. Vocals wail, wrapping around the music in a feverish embrace. Their music is wave of emotion and grit. In it all is the warmth and soul of a natural born rock band living and dying for every note. Mustard has been a touring machine. They have toured extensively playing places such as; Atlanta Fest 2001, New Englands Largest Christian music festival the Inside Out Soul Festival, Kingdom Bound Festival in Darien Lake, N.Y. They have toured all across the country on The Extreme Tour with bands such as Rock & Roll Worship Circus, Spoken, Last Page First, Lightheaded, Sooner Or Later, Situation, Left Waiting, and many others. Mustard also has been featured on the Christian TV show, God's Master Piece, which aired in cities such as Boston, Ma and Los Angeles, California. Mustard's next album "Electra Glide" was produced by Stryper's lead singer Micheal Sweet. Micheal Sweet added an amazing guitar solo to their song "Photograph"
