The Garden

The Garden

Jen's "The Garden", is a melodic mantra of rich indie-alternative music. The songs have a fertile acoustic nature accented with a bluesy, folkish feel. The lyrics are thoughtful and have a noticeable sense of longing and wonder. The songs exhibit an inspired universal consciousness that leave you humming the tunes to yourself. Jenner Johnson and Keenan Knight are the two primary writers for Jen's The Garden. Both Jenner and Keenan grew up in small sleepy southern towns and became friends while undergraduate students at Louisiana State University (LSU). After graduation their paths crossed again in Hollywood, California were they began writing music. Within a year they had enough material to produce their first album/CD. They recruited other band members from the south and The Garden is the result of the kindred spirit. Lyrics, music and vocals by Jenner Johnson. Music, guitar and piano by Keenan Knight. On bass guitar: Lesh Brown. On drums: Richard White. On selected songs Rocco Lombardo also co-wrote.
