

Cyclops is an uber/retro rock band with an avante edge.
They slip around through classic rock stylings while nailing the modern pitch and intensity of a true 21st century band. Grounded by the muscle of Neil Collins slicing through his old Ampeg and Jason Stewarts' perfect human pulse, Todd Dadaleares crafts melodic scream-fests of hook whispers. Joe Thomas adds a thunder under while tackling harmonies in the vein of a punk.

Doppelganger is a totally DIY project. The songs are quite different from each other as well. Covering avante-folk, hard rock, soul and electronika, Cyclops is one of those rare acts that can pull these all off easily. Fluidly.
At the heart of the band is Dadaleares' voice and his ability to convey many emotions and melodic styles.

Synths, sonic washes, big guitar riffings, classic rock singing to a tee, fat, art rocky basslines and a compact writing sense. Snappy smash rock with subtle moments and produced shadowings.
