Listen to the Forest

Listen to the Forest

GRAMMY artist and Pushcart Poetry nominee Kephart produces all vocals and lyrics for her "illuminating heart and soul" music, compared more than once in quality and style to Jim Morrison, in originality to Kraftwerk, in delivery to Enya, Kate Bush, Sade and Madonna. Her UK collaborator, Stuart Lynch, has worked with some of the biggest dance and rock artists in England. This production is high energy and intense ambience. Don't think it possible to combine the two? Take a listen and find out!

Dreamy sound landscapes that take us on a journey to our most magical and colorful imaginary, where innocence and sensuality meet like two lovers that had been separated but always belonged to each other, but not without a poisonous dose of resent and wickedness that erupt. Instead, you venture through the peaceful dreamy visions of innocence and suddenly take us onto the somber side of our imaginary. In conclusion, it has everything to be a success! This EP is a true emotional switch, will you turn it on? - Barbies of
