Just for Fun

Just for Fun

Hello all, my name is Sequence and I represent Salt Lake City, I know… weird right? It was 2013 when my buddy Icy Blu who had been rapping for years asked me to give it a try. I turned out to not be half bad so I thought I’d pursue it a bit more. The first lesson I learned in the music industry is people are extremely unreliable. So I made the decision I was going to make my music on my own without having to rely on a team of other people to get the job done. I went down to Guitar Center and spent $400 on everything I needed to make music at home. (You can imagine it was the cheapest version of everything, but at least it was all brand new!) I plugged it all into my computer and it was off to the races. Learning how to be an artist, producer, and sound engineer at the same time with no help is a gift and a curse. It’s all very foreign and a lot to learn, BUT I’m learning and building based on my own style without any influence of how I “should” be doing it you know? Long story short it’s taken 2 years to come
