Chasing Shadows

Chasing Shadows

My name is Luke, and under the guise of Cloud Hex I produce noise that is influenced by everything from Muse to Celldweller, Danny Cocke to Slayer, and all things dramatic. I love concocting cinematic hybrid-orchestral pieces from subtle underscore to apocalyptic trailer monsters that raise the 13th level of hell. I also love taking synths, big beats and guitars to make eclectic, schizophrenic Electronic-Rock anthems. Still reading this? Good! Do stop by and take a listen!
Yes, I can be a little eclectic in my music. Others may say that is a somewhat generous description and the term 'schizophrenic' is more apt!

My first 2 releases combined elements of EDM, Rap, Trance and Pop amongst other things. The album "Light Beam Connect" and EP "Back To Life" are filled with mangled samples, contorted loops, saturated beats and heavily-processed synth noise.

Then I decided to change things up a bit and release something that would scare the pants of a rhino. The single "I Will Tear You Apart" is dark, frantic-paced
