Kaiju Kaos: The Soundtrack, Vol. 01

Kaiju Kaos: The Soundtrack, Vol. 01

On April 1, 2003, there is a tear in the fabric of the space-time continuum, now referred to as the Rift. Details of the origin of the Rift are sketchy at best and are CLASSIFIED at the highest level. It is known for certain that life on Earth will never be the same.

01. This is Kaiju Kaos is a triumphant opening titles song if Kaiju Kaos were a summer blockbuster movie. This is Kaiju Kaos was composed and arranged as an homage to classic horror and monster movies that inspired the game mashed up with modern electronic sounds, sequencing, and instruments.

02. Kaiju Rising was the first single, released January 12, 2010. Inspiration for this song comes from all the expected places: Godzilla, Cloverfield, Mechabot, etc. This song is, in many ways, a sequel to Triunedon Awakes from Mecha Vs Kaiju – The Soundtrack (Bailey Records, 2007). Kaiju Rising features a dark and ambient intro that continually builds as creature sounds are revealed. While this is an entirely new composition many of the sounds are borro
