Blood Vessel's debut release was recorded over a six month period, under less than ideal circumstances in Brooklyn, NY in 2005. Jeremiah Cymerman (reeds, percussion, and production) and Mitchell King (percussion), who have played together since 1994, started with the intention of making a sax/drums jazz record, but what started as what would have been another drop in the sea of indistinguishable NYC improv records slowly grinded and melted into a truly terrifying record of epic proportions. Eerie tribal vamps collide with Squarepusher-esque freak outs, and on the drop of a dime, get smashed into explosive free jazz improvisations. Taking cues from artists as varied as Pierre Henry, Milford Graves, Merzbow, and Aphex Twin, Blood Vessel has created a record that will both horrify and soothe even the most discerning of record store geeks.
