Beethoven Trios Live At the Skaneateles Festival

Beethoven Trios Live At the Skaneateles Festival

Recorded live in concert at the Skaneateles Festival

"Violinist Curtis Macomber, cellist Lindsay Groves and pianist Fred Karpoff opened the program with an explosion of energy, in a performance of Beethoven's Trio in E-Flat, Op. 70 No. 2. Unafraid to take chances, the trio played with vigor and spirit and total confidence--using the many dotted rhythmic patterns to drive the work to fevered pitches. Karpoff, in particular, was outstanding--breathing life into his phrases with smooth finger work, a graceful touch, delicate phrase endings and crisp, clean articulations." - Syracuse Post-Standard

“The tour-de-force of Friday’s program was an incredible performance of Beethoven’s 'Archduke Trio' performed by Karpoff, violinist Curtis Macomber and cellist Peter Rejto. The marvelous synergy among these three musicians was immediately apparent, as the trio dug in deeply and wove an interpretation that had as much soul as it did substance. In terms of musicality, Karpoff is one of the most exciting pianists to watch and hear in the history of the festival. His involvement and intensity at the piano are at once apparent, and his phrasing invariably superb. His long, spacious phrases in the Andante movement jell together so well one might conclude he has found a way to play the piano as a wind instrument. He executed the tricky ornamental passages that color the melodic lines in the final Allegro with ease and grace.”
- Syracuse Herald-Journal
