Pretty Girl (feat. Bryce)

Pretty Girl (feat. Bryce)

Hunter O’Neal is more than an artist, he’s an art form. Even at a young age life has taught this budding phenom to take the bitter with the sweet. Possessing the skills needed to draw fans in, and the maturity and experience to show others how to overcome anything, he is music’s next inspiration.
Born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Hunter was belting out ballads by the age of 4. One of his favorite records, “In The Arms Of An Angel,” eventually became true to life, after spending countless days trying to comfort his mother from his father’s mental illness episodes. Even at a tender age he was learning music’s connection with everyday experiences, and its power to heal. He now plans to use his gifts to mend hearts and spread hope. One of Hunter O’Neal’s goals will always be to give listeners around the world someone they can believe in, and stand as living proof that you can make it past turmoil.
In 2010 Hunter’s break came when he was introduced to the partners at All-N-Entertainment, the introduction was brief, be


