Buried Treasures

Buried Treasures

Buried Treasures came about as Stella found songs that she had recorded over the years that had either not been released, limited release or the version on Buried Treasures had not been released. As Stella worked on this project she kept finding great songs and each time she would say she found another buried treasure. It quickly became obvious that was the perfect name for the new CD and “Buried Treasures” describes the gem in each of the songs.

Stella wrote or co-wrote seven of the ten songs. Other songs were written by her brothers Floyd and Randy Parton. Paul Overstreet wrote one song and co-wrote two songs with Stella. Stella and Helen Cornelius co-wrote “The One Who Flies The Highest” which is sure to be a favorite.

If you are looking for up beat, up temp songs, listen to The Sun Don’t Shine In Memphis, which was originally recorded for the True To Me record. The Buried Treasure version was recorded in the studio with Stella’s touring band at the time. Also, from the same project is Don’t Put Me On which has a nice beat and uplifting vocals.

Heart Don’t Fail Me Now was on the B side of the Cross My Heart 45 record. It got lost in the shuffle and did not make it onto a CD until now. For the ballad lovers, He’s Still The Best will be the song for you.

Buried Treasures contains some of Stella’s best songs and a great mix of styles, tempos and vocals.
