Like a Movie
Following in the footsteps which legends tread, Greg Jones has begun climbing the ladder of notarity and success.
With incredible charisma and amazing presence on and off the stage, Greg Jones has been winning over fans, musicians and critics on two continents....and the fire spreads.
Greg has been singled out as one of New York's most promising artists and undoubtedly one of the most passionate live performers in his right.
And the news of Greg is travelling....
the calls come from Boston, Philadelphia, Memphis and as far as London.
Greg Jones is a rare formidable talent on the verge of major recognition, and the fire spreads still.
In New York City free paper,the Village Voice, Greg Jones has been dubbed one of the area's best composers.
He writes songs of existential gloom and doom, weaving a tapestry of emotion with fernetic guitar work and insightful lyrics to bring his entire audience to a jaw-dropped halt during live performances.
Playing for the past 15 years at open mics across the Northeast