Time on my hands

Time on my hands

Luciano Cavalieri, executive producer of this cd, contacted me one night - after listening to a Newropean Quartet performance - and asked me to record an album based on a series of standards which he particularly loved, letting me have complete freedom on the choice of the musicians involved (which almost entirely reflects the Newropean, but with Mauro Beggio on drums and with Steve Grossman - on three tunes - instead of Ralph Reichert, co-leader of the NQ; the bassist is Stefano Senni, also playing on "AMAPOLA").

Luciano - a great jazz fan and connoisseur, with a collection of records and videos that many would envy... not only in Italy - came up with a list of eleven tunes that simply represent an organic overview of the beautiful american songbook, most of which are part of the repertoire of all the major interpreters in the history of jazz. After some personal re-harmonization and a few simple arrangements, our rendition of these wonderful tunes produced the results now in your hands.
