Anthology: All Your Setting Suns (Explicit)

Anthology: All Your Setting Suns (Explicit)

Hailing from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the industrial north east of England, Vendetta was formed in late 2005. Guitarist Edward Box had already released two solo albums (“Plectrumhead” and “Moonfudge”) but had grown tired of the genre and so wanted to try out some vocal inspired material he had written. Calling on his old friends, guitarist Pete Thompson and bass player Gary Foalle, the initial plan was to just try out Ed’s songs and see how they sounded in a fully amped environment. After just one practice one thing became clear; to do the songs justice, forming a fully armed and operational band was the only option. These musicians had for too long forsaken the music they loved and it was time to get back to basics and create their own brand of traditional metal. Drummer Mick Robson was seconded from fellow rockers 300 ft Gorilla to help out and the job of learning Box’s compositions began in earnest. By summer 2006 the band was ready to record and twelve tracks were completed over a hot August. Ed’s first port of call was Lion Music, with whom he had released his two solo albums, and a deal was swiftly hooked up. “Tyranny of Minority” hit the racks in September 2007 and it was indisputably apparent that the band knew their genre inside out. From the anthemic “Generation Kill” to the bone crushing “I Executioner”, the album was a carefully crafted calling card that received a series of first rate reviews.

Around this time the band sought the services of a permanent drummer and Lee Lamb was swiftly recruited to the ranks. With his hard driving and no nonsense style, Lee fitted in straight away so the band drew on this new found energy and wasted no time in booking a series of gigs. These culminated in a special guest appearance at the Storming the Castle Festival in Northumberland and headline shows at their local 02 Academy in the heart of Newcastle. In between live work the band also set about writing album number two. The time spent gigging had really made them gel as a unit and contributions and ideas came thick and fast from all members. Released in November 2009, “Heretic Nation” was received with open arms by the metal community and made several critics’ year end lists. Consistent and focused, it featured an array of world class tunes and the band produced videos for the tracks “My Revelation”, “New Horizon” and “Killing Time”. Of particular note was the improved rhythm section and vocals. Vendetta had heeded some of the criticisms levied at their debut and had responded accordingly.

After more live work the band got down to the business of creating a new record. However this coincided with a series of personal setbacks for various members and so it became clear that album number three would have a difficult gestation period. Turning adversity into a rallying cry the band called upon on every ounce of its professionalism to deliver what they hope is their best work yet. 2012 sees the release of “World Under Fire” and Vendetta are ready to take it to the hilt once more. Featuring ten scorching tracks, the album has all the hallmarks of its forbearers; blistering solos, pounding drums, steadfast bass and impassioned vocals. Added to this already staple mix is a refined melodic sensibility and additional sonic elements that bring a heightened depth to the band’s sound. From its pulse racing opener “Halo in Black” to the epic “All Your Setting Suns”, it’s clear Vendetta have once again come up trumps and delivered an album that any self respecting metal fan will be proud to own.
