Panta Rei

Panta Rei

This is an imaginary journey from the Earth to Jupiter...

You will solve an enigma ("Aenigma") that let you discover the meaning of Heraclitus' sentence "Panta Rhei" ("Panta Rei") which means "everything flows" or better: "Everything changes and nothing remains still ... and ... you cannot step twice into the same stream".
Then you will be ready for the lift-off ("En Vuelo") and, after saying goodbye to the Earth ("Good Morning, Earth"), the final destination will be Jupiter ("Escape To Jupiter").

The first track is "Aenigma", an orchestral composition in a sort of introduction; the next song ("Panta Rei") is an Electronic instrumental with the presence of classical instruments; the song "En Vuelo" is a collab song with my good friend Jaime Helios from Spain: he added the guitars and I'm sure you will like his amazing final solo!
A more relaxing song is "Good Morning, Earth", that I composed to participate in an official NASA musical contest in 2011.
The last track is a suite. "Escape to Jupiter" is 18 mi
