Ancient Journey

Ancient Journey

Current Albums by James Gray available at cdbaby:
Ancient Journey
King Crab

"Ancient Journeys" draws on Mediterranean and Celtic traditions, blended with some electronica and effects. "Ancient Journey" is a magical tour through the travels of a distant time and place. Instruments are electronic and acoustical. I use an M-Audio Midi Keyboard, acoustical harp, penny whistle, psaltery, lap dulcimer, and fiddle. The software I use to create my tracks is Garage Band, (of which I cannot say enough; for this creative tool thank you, Apple, for making a long-standing dream come true.) Tracks are often developed late at night long after the family has gone to bed. Try a few tracks and see if they don't transport you.

My Musical Influences
African; Alternative; Ambient; Appalachian; Avant Guard; Celtic; Celtic New Age; Classical; Delta Blues; Electronica; Experimental; Folk; Impressionist; Indian; Jazz; Native American; New Age; Old English; Old Timey; Classical Persian; Pop; Reggae; Rock; Scottish; Ska; So
