Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

It seems like only yesterday that I gave my heart to the Lord. But in fact, it's been nine years now. When you ask the Lord to come into your heart, He will. And when He does, your life will never be the same. Folks ask me how it was that I became saved, and it's really quite simple. I said the "Sinner's Prayer" with every Minister on TBN one evening, because I thought that if once was good, more had to be better! In praying this prayer, I confessed that I was a sinner, recognized Jesus as my Savior, and I asked Him to come into my heart. The next thing I did was ask Him... "What would you have me do with my life now, Lord"?

Thankfully, I would receive a clear answer within the still small voice that I would soon grow accustomed to hearing. During that time, the Lord sent me the first of many songs, which I would hear fully orchestrated. This way there would be no confusion as to who had sent them! The music would seem to come straight from the throne of God, and my abilities would c
