Vintage Hands
Piano, organ and keyboard player and composer. Selflearned. Starts to play the fisarmonica for fun when 6 years old. At 9 he studies violin for 1 year, at 11 the piano for a year. But it’s the Hammond organ he starts playing at 12, carrying it to clubs and playing covers and rock music. At the same time he gets a diploma in solfeggio and musical theory(1975) and dedicates three years to studying composition. Starts his professional career as organist in the group of Rocky Roberts in 1971.During the 70’s, he meets Toni Esposito and records composes and arranges part of the Albums "Gente Distratta" and "La Banda del Sole". He also begins a period of collaboration with Edoardo Bennato, doing tours and the albums “Burattino senza fili", "Uffa' Uffa'", "Sono Solo Canzonette", "E' arrivato un bastimento". At the beginning of the 80’s he collaborates with Pino Daniele touring and recording the albums: "Pino Daniele" "Nero a meta'" & "Ferry Boat". He also plays with Eugenio Finardi & Crisalide, touring and recording