

One thing i frown upon in many fake emcees is this hubris, this false pride, this need to be THE BEST musician out there..this need to be THE KING..Its a GOD complex. That is what explains the rise and fall of so many celebrities. When you possess this need for the world to praise you as a GOD thats when the world turns on you and almost reciprocates the opposite. At such point the world is almost wishing for you to fail- to be crushed, and ultimately, no matter ones perseverence, with those types of phenomenal forces opposing one- they are bound to fall. No matter what talents i may or may not possess, i like to think of myself as servant of GOD on musical tracks-- and the world and its experiences are my MUSE--and my way of repaying that MUSE in the world is by offering them something back in return for what they are doing for is a gift and a blessing -and i feel priveleged and honored to have been able to compile a set of songs for this debut album that have meaning and purpose- and a message i think all of us should take heed from: that in life no matter how down or low you may get, how "bottom" that "rock bottom" may be, that if you dont quit there can be a light at the end of the tunnel..For me that light, was life...I didnt give up....REINCARNATED- the debut TANK album, is the revisit and travel down a part of my past, that rock bottom point where at times it looked like death was gunnin' for me..And despite the fact that alot of people may indeed quit when the going gets ruff, for me -- i chose to knuckle and bare the hard times...whether it is in tales of a bad car accident in songs like "todays a gift" or coping with the devastating loss of my father whom was also my bestest friend in the whole world, or merely the philosophical realization that i was below par in life to where i had wished to be in songs like "wanna be your hero", or surviving that bad relationship we all hope to not encounter but so often do in tracks like "whore", TANK aka JASON LIPP illustrates that in life "rock bottoms" and "adversities" dont have to be bad fact, they can be embraced and harnessed to create and evolve a better life in the future, and most importantly to REINCARNATE ones self into a better tracks like "to be alive" the whole point is to celebrate and embrace the whole sentiment that i didnt quit --that, now that "i am alive and well" wut will my travels be like? what will i do? ...perhaps, my way of embracing life and giving back to the world is to follow my passions and in a sense on tracks like " to be alive which may seem at first glance less topic oriented/focued really are no less focued...the whole point is to celebrate "BEING ALIVE " and just doing wut i love- rapping- even if at that point rapping is a concoction of punchlines, metaphors, and similies...simulaneously while creating this series of life lessons for the audience in the travels of the spirutual and mental reincarnation -that inevitably occurs when you retrace paths of life that were dark and realize that you didnt quit--that not only were you a survivor-- i expereinced that therapeutic high from these travels back in time..i realized once again that i didnt give up..but of equal importance, is the simultaneous REINCARNATIOn that took place physically..-that by doing this album, doing these songs which dealt with such themes, i actually got to lend something to my life that it needed for so long; an actual making REINCARNATED, my debut album, i actually am getting to live a lifelong dream...growing up I always aspired to be a rapper..not necessarily for the fame or the money, but because its just in my soul, my blood..ive always been a poet...had a love for times, i guess i have been an old soul..but that wisdom has made me special...and i guess , the opportunity and venue created from doing a music album for the first time really has allowed me to be not just reborn, but now things are better then ever, as i am currently living my do music for my career, for my purpose--is something i always longed for..i hope my message reaches you all well..thanks, and GOOD LISTENIN..

