After Dark

After Dark

Singer/songwriter Sunn, strikes an impressive figure as an artist who men admire & women adore. Eschewing the monotonous 4/4 beats and clichés of typical Neo Soul, ‘After Dark’ is an eclectic (yet accessible) mélange of timeless music.

Born sixth of eleven children to strict Pentecostal Holiness minister and missionary parents, Sunn was literally a born soul singer. Forbidden by his father from singing or playing instruments in church, due to his youthful "unruliness", Sunn secretly honed his musical skills on borrowed instruments. Within a few years of loitering in pawnshops, music stores and often sneaking his oldest brother’s drums or guitar, Sunn’s tenacity paid off. He was self-taught over 20 instruments by the age of 17! It was also at 17 that Sunn left home to seek his place in the musical world.

Now a prolific songwriter, singer, poet, performer and producer, Sunn has traveled the world as an independent artist. “Being independent helped me learn a delicate balance that makes or breaks the career of an artist... how to say what I need to say and what people want to hear, in the same breath” he says. Sunn adds, “My music fortunately speaks to, with and for so many people who support me unconditionally”. Not bad for a preacher’s kid who simply had “something to say”.
