Crackin Out

Crackin Out

L.A. Deuce's debut CD "Crackin Out" is an awesome CD that expresses many feelings and can relate to almost everyone (Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, Inspirational, Rock). This CD has positive and fun topics for everyone to listen and enjoy. L.A. Deuce worked really hard on this CD and put a lot of commitment and dedication on their music. The CD is fun, relateable, and is just something everyone should witness and take a part of.

Some track notes -
"Bullies, What they Got on Me" - Stop the bullying, everyone is different and special, Everyone is unique and loveable
"Have A Good Time" - Inspite of what's going on just enjoy life we only live once
"Move, Shake Bounce" - Fast dance tempo song for all to dance to
"Oh Lord" - Thanking and Asking God for his guidance
"Texting You" - We are always on our phone texting all the time
"Haters all Day" - Use your haters as motivation and not let them win with their negativity, switch it to positive energy
"Down With Me" - It's a lot of fake people out there and we are lookin
