


1. "Miss Perception (remix)"

this song was an accident of several missteps but is nonetheless overall audience fav
i didn't do much on the remix other than boost quality of the output
scared i might mess it up…

2. "Friends Again (remix)"

when i wrote this song, i didn't have a particular girl in mind but it seems now that i did
simple song without much added effects or anything extra, so i kept it that way
mix is intentionally low on last half of the vocal because maybe he wants to be...

3. "Lighthouse (remix)"

i went to the Kileaua lighthouse with friends from Philadelphia and just wrote this afterwards
there were two guitar parts and then vocals and finally six vocal parts by the end
what i wanted to convey was the ocean waves and the ever watchful lighthouse
lonesome a bit in the tone but also faithful, hopeful and blazing with love

4. "Just Sayin' (remix)"

don't you know when someone you love is angry and nothing works
you just have to wait it out and love them at a bit of a distan
