Split Personality

Split Personality


Lowry (full name- Lauri Pihlap) was born in Tallinn,Estonia on March 9, 1982. At the age of 4 he started singing and showing a lot of interest in music. Constantly he was playing on his little drumkit and imitating popstars he saw on tv. Lowry got a piano for Christmas from his parents,when he was 8. He couldn't have been happier over recieving such a gift. He started taking piano lessons and you could say that his musical journey had begun...

A major influence on Lowry was his father, Priit , who was and still is to this day , a respected musician, a songwriter and a recording artist. Lowry's uncle, Tarmo (1952-1999) was one of Estonia's biggest stars, a singer and a musician, loved by old and young people.His father and uncle were in the music business, but it was never a question of pressuring a young kid into following in their footsteps. Lowry wanted to do it. It was in his blood...

At the age of 11 it was clear to Lowry that he wants to sing! Really... to become a singer! He was hooked o
