Finding Home

Finding Home

Born and raised on a small farm in a small town in the majestic Utah Rocky Mountains, singer/songwriter Jake Jacobson was not surrounded in a music rich environment. Barely able to pick up radio in his home town his major influences would come at a much later time, but as he always said, “nature never fails to influence.” Jake took up singing as many do during his mid-teenage years. Only during his junior year in high school however did Jake pick up the guitar and write his first song.

During his senior year he joined his first band and performed at a local Battle of the Bands as well as at the year end talent show as a solo vocal act for the entire school.

As a self-taught musician, Jake never learned to read music or had a lesson until his college years. He still writes everything by ear and has said that “learning to read music and learning music theory is very valuable, but great music that flows and inspires comes from a still place inside each of us, and not the cluttered and loud logical realm of the
