

Over the years Gary Falcone has recorded and or performed with groups such as "Yes" "Rod Stewart" "Alice Cooper" "Edgar Winter" "David Lee Roth" "Don Henley" and hundreds more collecting many Platinum records along the way. Burleigh Drummond is the drummer and founding member of "Ambrosia" Dean Cortez with credits of "Hiroshima" "Caldera" "Bozz Scaggs" is the basis of the group. Along with fellow musicians Bill Champlin of "Chicago" fame. Steve Ferrone from "Tom Petty", Jon Pena from everybody, Kelly Shanahan from "The Strand" Eddie Del Barrio from "Caldera" put their talents together in late 2013 to come up with the CD entitled "Evangeline" Most of the tracks are one take recordings some written in the studio at the time of the recordings. The chemistry was amazing, things just came together which you would expect from an ensemble like this. Mastering engineer Doug Sax "Dark Side Of The Moon" among others put his magic on it as well. We hope you have as much fun listening to it as we had making it.
